When I write, I remain utterly focused on the task at hand. For those of you who struggle with accomplishing important tasks, a peek into how I do it may help.
When I wake up, I remain in bed, body unmoving, mind planning the day and reveling in the thematic details I will put on the page. The blankets are firmly tucked up, so as not to distress me by chilly air. Perfect comfort prevents environmental distraction. A brilliant scene dances in my mind….
But, the dogs are pawing at me and whining their physical needs. I struggle to vertical. A yoga routine, standing tree perhaps, supports both mind and spirit. The dogs are doing the OMG-woman-open-the-door-two-step.
Standing tree is subverted to visiting the wee-wee tree. Dog dishes filled, coffee maker on…standing tree slouches against the counter watching coffee drip.
Okay, now… the perfect scene…. Deep breath…perfect concentration. Oh God, I need coffee!
I inhale caffeine. What was that email I was supposed to get? Check my inbox now, to avoid later anxiety. There’s a sale on at Nordstrom. What if I miss getting a deal on that shirt I want? There are limited sizes. Seize the moment. It’s only a couple of quick clicks. Damn…only puke pink in my size.
The email I’m expecting isn’t there. Check Facebook to see if the sender has the flu or has left the country. No pertinent status updates. Reduce anxiety by playing a game. Check status and email. Nothing. No IM. Play another game. Check out the link to an analysis of my past lives. I was a warrior. Hell, yes.
Dogs pawing me to throw a ball. Keeping them happy will allow better focus…and time for that idiot to reply to my email.
More coffee and towels because it’s raining and the dogs ran through the mud.
Phone call about a bill I forgot…or dropped in the mud while playing fetch with the dogs. Find the credit card…bill paid. Dogs want to play ball again and hey…it’s stopped raining. I really need to prune those roses.
Lunch. A person can’t think without proper food. The damn fridge is empty. Have to get some groceries and maybe reward myself with a run through Starbucks.
Food now put away, caffeine still perking in my system. A friend who does not understand that writing time is sacred calls to find out when we’re getting together. The only time that works is in the morning, even though that is my absolutely dedicated work time. But friendship requires sacrifice.
What was that scene again? Maybe if I run spell-check…just need to get dinner in the oven so I don’t have to waste time later bending over a hot stove. As if….
And I did get that load of laundry done….
Dinner over. Stack the dishes because I’m too tired to wash them after today’s efforts. Watch a little TV to cleanse the mind. Those writers need to pay more attention to character development.
Bed. Blankets tucked up, so that I can perfect the details of the scene dancing around in my mind. When I get it on the page, it’s going to be amazing.